When your hobby becomes work.
Well I had a good weekend, other then pissed at working and missed Nicole's Birthday outting, Missed Trevor's 19th birthday, Faye didn't end up comming down, but I did manage to get out to Tammie's birthday and had alot of tequila due to the stress in my life. Simply put I never had so much stress before, even when it seemed I was going threw my mid-life when I was 18 with all those responsibilities.
Sunday went and watched The Butterfly Effect at the theater with the roomate Jay, his girlfriend melissa, her cute friend Ann, and Red... Hey maybe I keep a blog like this for a reson too ;) So rather then painting the bedroom I went the the movies, got talked into watching a few shows that I did despise, football, Survivor All Star, and some Queer Eye for the Straight Guy witch wasn't too bad till the two gave a peck on the lips, that was time to change the channel.
Things I been meaning to do is I gotta find time to finish my living area, it's been 3 months and still I haven't painted nor put the carpeting in the bedroom down, I still have stuff at the parents I mean alot of stuff that still has to come over. I did manage to go threw all my clothing and give what I don't use nor wear to ValueVillage and SallyAnne. I've been thinking about going down to Nova Scotia near the begining of March, but I am just thinking about it for now.
Things that I have to do:
Take out more do nothing time
Attend more educational events
Find time to start dating
Paint/Carpet the bedroom
Find stuff to fill the apartment
Sad isn't it...?